Tag: contested state legislative primaries

  • Most contested state legislative primaries in Wyoming this year since at least 2010

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    Wyoming has 54 contested state legislative primaries on August 20, 2024, the most the state has had since Ballotpedia began tracking in 2010.  All contested primaries are Republican primaries, marking a record high for Republicans and a record low for Democrats. About 35.1% of all possible state legislative primaries are contested, the highest percentage since…

  • Decade low number of incumbents in contested state legislative primaries in North Carolina

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    Nineteen North Carolina state legislative incumbents face primary challenges, representing 13% of all incumbents running for re-election. This is a decade low number and percentage of contested incumbents in North Carolina.  Of the 19 incumbents in contested primaries, eight are Democrats and 11 are Republicans. North Carolina has 43 contested state legislative primaries this year,…

  • 23% of all state legislative primaries are contested

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    There are 205 contested state legislative primaries in 2023, representing 23% of all possible primaries. Comparing 2023 to other times Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, and Virginia all held elections since 2011, the percentage of primaries that are contested this year is lower than in 2019 (25%) but higher than in 2011 (22%) and 2015 (20%).…

  • Despite increase among Republicans, contested primaries in Mississippi House reach decade-low

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    There are 44 contested state legislative primaries coming up on Aug. 8 in the Mississippi House, a decade-low for the chamber, down one from the previous low in 2019. While the total number of contested primaries is down, the number of contested Republican primaries is at a decade-high. This year, 30 state legislative races have…