On March 31, 2020, Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate (R) announced that his office would send absentee ballot applications to all registered voters in the state in advance of the June 2, 2020, primary election. Forms were set to be mailed to voters in mid-to-late April. Seventeen states have implemented changes to their absentee…
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez announced on March 30 that he tested negative for COVID-19 for a second time. Suarez previously tested positive for the virus and has been self-quarantined since March 12. Ballotpedia is tracking politicians and government officials who have been diagnosed or tested for coronavirus or become quarantined. Suarez is one of at…
On March 30, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) issued an executive order closing nonessential businesses and requiring individuals to remain in their homes except for essential activities. Lee’s order is effective from March 31 through April 14. Schools are scheduled to remain closed through April 24. Twenty-eight states have issued stay-at-home or shelter-in-place orders to…
On March 30, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) issued an executive order closing nonessential businesses and requiring individuals to remain in their homes except for essential activities. Northam’s order took effect immediately and will remain in place until June 10. It does not impact the state’s schools, which Northam closed for the academic year on…
Former Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard, co-chair of the campaign Outlaw Dirty Money, announced that the campaign was suspending signature gathering efforts for its ballot initiative due to the coronavirus pandemic. The campaign needs to gather at least 356,467 signatures by the July 2 deadline. The ballot initiative would add language to the Arizona Constitution…
The major party filing period for congressional races will end in six states over the next week. These include: • New Jersey and South Carolina: March 30 • Missouri and South Dakota: March 31 • New York and Tennessee: April 2 All six states will hold U.S. House elections for each of their congressional districts.…
The Administrative Office of the Arizona Supreme Court issued a directive on Tuesday, March 24th, extending time limits for court-related deadlines. Administrative Director of the Courts David K. Byers issued Administrative Directive No. 2020-03 as a response to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Chief Justice Robert Brutinel gave Byers the authority to suspend or alter time limits…
An initiative to amend the North Dakota Constitution to eliminate property taxes was approved for signature gathering on March 25. The initiative was filed by North Dakota Republican Representative Rick Becker. To qualify for the November ballot, 26,904 valid signatures are due before midnight on July 6, 2020. Becker, who estimated that North Dakota collects…
Yes on IP 44, which is sponsoring the Oregon Drug Decriminalization and Addiction Treatment Initiative, suspended in-person signature gathering on March 26. The campaign announced on March 5 that they had collected 125,000 signatures but still needed 8,000 more signatures to meet their raw signature goal. A total of 112,020 valid signatures are required to…