Tag: judicial

  • Federal judge blocks Maine’s ban on out-of-state initiative petition circulators 

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    On Feb. 16, U.S. District Court Judge John Woodcock blocked Maine from enforcing provisions of its state constitution and a 2015 law requiring petition circulators to be registered voters, and, therefore, state residents. Woodcock ruled that “the First Amendment’s free speech protections trump the state’s regulatory authority.” Secretary of State Shenna Bellows could appeal the…

  • Justice on Missouri’s highest court schedules retirement

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    Missouri Supreme Court Justice Laura Denvir Stith announced on February 2, 2021, that she would retire from the court effective March 8. Stith stated she planned to do pro bono work following her retirement from the court. Justice Stith joined the Missouri Supreme Court in 2001. She was appointed to the court by Governor Bob…

  • Ballotpedia releases federal judicial vacancy count for January 2021

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    In this month’s federal judicial vacancy count, Ballotpedia tracked nominations, confirmations, and vacancies to all United States Article III federal courts from January 1 to February 1, 2021. Ballotpedia publishes the federal judicial vacancy count at the start of each month. HIGHLIGHTS Vacancies: There have been 11 new judicial vacancies since the December 2020 report.…

  • President Biden has not made any federal judicial appointments through February 1 of his first year in office

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    As of February 1, 2021, President Joe Biden (D) had not appointed any Article III federal judges. The average number of federal judges appointed by a president through February 1 of their first year in office is zero.  Through the first year in office, President Ronald Reagan (R) made the most appointments with 41, and…

  • U.S. Supreme Court schedules March argument sitting

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    On February 1, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) released its March argument calendar for the 2020-2021 term. The court will hear seven hours of oral argument in nine cases between March 22 and March 31. So far, the court has agreed to hear 62 cases during its 2020-2021 term. March 22,…

  • Four candidates file to run for two Louisiana appellate judgeships

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    A special primary election for two of the 53 seats on the Louisiana Circuit Courts of Appeal is scheduled for March 20, 2021. The filing deadline passed on January 22. Elections to the court are partisan, and a full term is 10 years. If needed, a general election is scheduled for April 24, 2021. Louisiana…

  • SCOTUS issues opinion, adds no new cases to merits docket

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    Image of the front of the United States Supreme Court building.

    On January 25, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) issued one opinion in a case argued during its October 2020-2021 term, the twelfth opinion to date for the term. In the case Henry Schein Inc. v. Archer and White Sales Inc., the court issued a per curiam opinion—a ruling given collectively by…

  • SCOTUS announces oral arguments to be heard via teleconference for February sitting

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    Image of the front of the United States Supreme Court building.

    On January 22, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would conduct oral arguments via teleconference during its February sitting, following the same format that was used during its October, November, December, and January sittings. The court also announced that the oral arguments will be provided to the public via live audio stream. The…

  • SCOTUS hears final arguments in its January sitting

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    Image of the front of the United States Supreme Court building.

    On Tuesday, January 19, 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States heard arguments in three cases to round out the January sitting of the court’s 2020-2021 term. The court heard oral arguments via teleconference and provided live audio of the arguments. SCOTUS began hearing arguments remotely during its October sitting of the current term,…

  • Differing deference views in FDA abortion pill case

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    On January 12, the U.S. Supreme Court temporarily restored restrictions implemented by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) governing the dispensation of an abortion-inducing pill. A district court had ordered the FDA to loosen restrictions on the drug because, in its view, the COVID-19 pandemic made it more difficult for women to access the…