Tag: school board

  • 29 candidates file for 14 school board seats in Manchester, New Hampshire

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    On July 23, the filing deadline passed to run for elected office in the Manchester School District in New Hampshire. The primary is scheduled for September 21, and the general election is scheduled for November 2, 2021.  Candidates filed for all 14 of the school district’s Board of School Committee seats–two at-large seats and 12…

  • Candidate filing deadline for school board positions in Ohio is Aug. 4

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    Candidates interested in running for their local school board in Ohio have until Aug. 4 to file, unless the district held a primary earlier in the year. The general election is scheduled for Nov. 2, and new board members will take office on Jan. 1, 2022. Ballotpedia is covering elections in 20 Ohio school districts…

  • New Maryland superintendent of schools took office on July 1

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    Mohammed Choudhury took office as the new Maryland superintendent of schools on July 1. He replaces Karen Salmon, who stepped down at the end of her term on June 30. The state board of education appointed Choudhury to a four-year term on May 29. “When we set out on our search for Maryland’s next superintendent,…

  • Ballotpedia’s mid-year recall report shows school board recalls on the rise

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    In the first half of 2021, Ballotpedia tracked 164 recall efforts against 262 officials. This was the most recall efforts for this point in the year since the first half of 2016, when we tracked 189 recall efforts against 265 officials. In comparison, we tracked between 72 and 155 efforts by the midpoints of 2017,…

  • Recall elections defeated in 2 Idaho school districts

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    Two Idaho school districts held recall elections for school board members on May 18. In Idaho Falls School District 91, voters were asked if they wanted to recall Zone 3 representative Lara Hill, and in the Nampa School District, they were asked if they wanted to recall Zone 4 representative Kim Rost. Both recall efforts…

  • Ballotpedia is covering general elections in eight Oregon school boards on May 18

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    The general election for eight school boards in Oregon is on May 18. These districts do not hold primary elections for school board races. The filing deadline to run passed on March 18.  School board candidates are competing in the following districts: • Beaverton School District • Centennial School District 28J • David Douglas School…

  • Voters in two Idaho school districts to decide recall elections on May 18

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    Two Idaho school districts are holding recall elections for two school board members on May 18. In Idaho Falls School District 91, voters will be asked if they want to recall Zone 3 representative Lara Hill, and in the Nampa School District, they will be asked if they want to recall Zone 4 representative Kim…

  • Spring elections held in Wisconsin

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    The statewide nonpartisan general election for Wisconsin was held on April 6. The primary was held on February 16, and the filing deadline to run passed on January 5. Candidates ran in elections for special elections in the Wisconsin State Legislature, three judgeships on the Wisconsin Court of Appeals, and in municipal and school board elections.…

  • Recall against San Francisco school board members approved to circulate petitions

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    The San Francisco Department of Elections approved petition circulation to begin this week in the effort to recall part of the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education. Three members—Gabriela López, Alison Collins, and Faauuga Moliga—were named in the recall paperwork. Recall supporters have until September 7 to collect 51,325 signatures. Recall supporters said…

  • Oklahoma school board elections see lowest unopposed rate in eight-year cycle

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    In 2021, 48.6% of Oklahoma school board races covered by Ballotpedia will not be on the ballot due to lack of opposition, which is the lowest unopposed rate since Ballotpedia began tracking this figure in 2014. Thirty-five seats are up for election across 26 school districts included in Ballotpedia’s comprehensive coverage in 2021. Candidates ran…