Half of the 50 largest cities in the U.S. by population have adopted local climate action plans. These plans include goals like community-wide and municipal operations greenhouse gas reduction and renewable energy use, mostly with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Opponents say that such plans increase living costs and cause economic harm. Supporters say they are important for combating climate change and promoting public health.
Twenty-three of these 25 cities currently have Democratic mayors, and two cities, Miami, Florida, and San Diego, California, have Republican mayors.
Of the top 10 largest cities in the country, seven have adopted climate action plans: New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Diego, and San Jose. Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas are the largest cities without climate action plans, although all three cities have plans in progress.
Almost all of the cities with climate action plans are members of at least one climate association, such as 100 Resilient Cities, Climate Mayors, or C40 Cities.