How much revenue does your state receive from the federal government per person?

Federal outlays are revenue that state governments receive directly from the federal government.

Between fiscal years 2014 and 2017, annual per capita federal outlays to states ranged from $1,141 (Virginia) to $4,849 (Wyoming).

The average annual per capita outlays across all states is $2,055, which is close to Michigan’s average ($2,009) and California’s ($2,053) over those four years.

Eight states experienced per capita declines in their federal outlays between 2014 and 2017 in the following amounts:

  • Wyoming ($818) 
  • South Dakota ($79)
  • Oklahoma ($65)
  • Idaho ($58)
  • Maine ($45)
  • Florida ($36)
  • North Carolina ($10) 
  • Hawaii ($7). 

Forty-two states experienced per capita increases in their federal outlays between 2014 and 2017. The top five per capita increases in those years were:

  • New Mexico ($776)
  • California ($695)
  • Nevada ($661)
  • Alaska ($625)
  • Pennsylvania ($593)