Minnesota Gov. Walz receives $6.3 million, with $8000 donations topping list

In Minnesota, Gov. Tim Walz is the number one fundraiser in state politics in the 2022 election cycle so far. According to the most recent campaign finance reports made to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board, the governor received $6,310,606 in total contributions and spent $2,642,137 between Jan. 1, 2021 and July 18, 2022. Walz is running for re-election in 2022.

Gov. Walz is a member of the Democratic Party and first assumed office in 2019.

Contributions to Gov. Walz

Of the $6.3 million already reported in the 2022 election cycle, 1.2 percent came from the top 10 donors.

Top Donors to Gov. Walz (1/1/2021 – 7/25/2022)

RankTotal AmountDonor NameDonor Type
1.$8,000.00Brenda and Charles KratschINDIVIDUAL
2.$8,000.00IBEW Minn State Council PACENTITY
3.$8,000.00Justine and Robert E HaselowINDIVIDUAL
4.$8,000.00Ruth and Alvin J Huss JrINDIVIDUAL
5.$8,000.00Sara and Josh TuchschererINDIVIDUAL
6.$8,000.00Sara Kacey PohladINDIVIDUAL
7.$7,500.00Jon OlsonENTITY
8.$6,400.00Sita Kalpana DashINDIVIDUAL
9.$6,000.00Margaret J SkoldINDIVIDUAL
10.$4,600.00Jacob R JagdfeldINDIVIDUAL

Expenditures by Gov. Walz

On the expenditures side, Gov. Walz reported $2.6 million, with 72.6 percent of all spending going to the 10 payees topping the list. 

Top Expenditures by Gov. Walz (1/1/2021 – 7/25/2022)

RankTotal AmountPayee NamePayee Type
1.$885,517.44Cleansweep CampaignsENTITY
2.$290,883.98McCool Digital LLCENTITY
3.$142,683.21Internal Revenue ServicesENTITY
4.$127,058.99Nichole JohnsonINDIVIDUAL
5.$101,026.61Vantiv LLCENTITY
6.$90,000.00Blg Strategies LLCENTITY
7.$87,220.00Run the WorldENTITY
8.$69,974.45Edwin TorresINDIVIDUAL
9.$65,237.93Haley CobbINDIVIDUAL
10.$60,150.00Ngp Van IncENTITY

How Gov. Walz’s fundraising compares to other governors

Among elected officials holding the same level of state office, fundraising varies widely. A number of factors, including whether an incumbent officeholder is running for reelection, influence donor activity. Here is how fundraising by Minnesota Gov. Walz compares to the 10 other governors with campaign finance data available from Transparency USA in 2022:

Fundraising reported by 11 U.S. governors in the 2022 election cycle

The data above are based on campaign finance reports that active Minnesota PACs submitted to the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. Transparency USA publishes campaign finance data following major reporting deadlines. State or federal law may require filers to submit additional reports.

Name of ReportReporting PeriodDeadline
2022 January Annual1/1/21 – 12/31/211/31/2022
Pre-Primary1/1/22 – 7/18/227/25/2022
Pre-General1/1/22 – 10/24/2210/31/2022
2023 January Annual1/1/22 – 12/31/221/31/2023

This article is a joint publication from Ballotpedia and Transparency USA, who are working together to provide campaign finance information for state-level elections. Learn more about our work here.