All candidates for Maricopa County Constable Kyrene precinct in Arizona complete Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey

Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Maricopa County Constable Kyrene precinct in Arizona — Bridget Bellavigna (D) and Daniel Diaz (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. 

Constables are elected officials that issue orders of protection, summons, subpoenas, and writs of the court such as evictions and property seizures. There are 26 constables in Maricopa County that are elected by district to four-year terms.

Here are excerpts from candidates’ responses to the question: What areas of public policy are you personally passionate about?


“I believe our Country should be run by the people, for the people. As Lincoln said, Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth. If we the people do not serve our Country we will be forever stuck with career politicians and our Country as we know it will perish. I strongly feel the calling to be of service to my community, and am a strong believer in the principle of “Service Before Self” I will do all I can to honor my oath and defend our democracy against all enemies both foreign and domestic. It is the oath I took over 40 years ago and one I took when I accepted the appointment for Kyrene Constable.”


“Every person that lives in the Kyrene district should not be afraid for their safety. Phoenix crime rates are 61% higher than the national average and violent crimes are 106% higher than the national average ( Our city is not as safe as it used to be. The defunding of the police movement has left the Phoenix Police Department and others in our area demoralized and grossly understaffed. Regardless of your political views this should outrage all Arizonans. As a Police Officer I take pride in serving the community and making it safer.”

Click on candidates’ profile pages below to read their full responses to this and other questions.

We ask all federal, state, and local candidates with profiles on Ballotpedia to complete a survey and share what motivates them on political and personal levels. Ask the candidates in your area to fill out the survey.

Additional reading:

Municipal elections in Maricopa County, Arizona, 2022