Ballotpedia covered 15 local ballot measure in Montpelier, Vermont, on March 1, 2022. Voters approved all 15 measures at the city’s town meeting election.
The voter-approved ballot measures were designed to do the following:
*authorize $30,000 to fund the 2022-2023 operating budget of the Central Vermont Public Safety Authority (CVPSA) and the CVPSA’s Telecommunications Improvement and Acquisition Plan;
*authorize spending $10,656,060 for the payment of debts, expenses, and taxes in the 2022-2023 fiscal year;
*authorize spending $4,080 to compensate the mayor in 2022-2023;
*authorize spending $12,240 for city council member compensation to pay each member $2,040 for the 2022-2023 fiscal year;
*authorize Montpelier to issue up to $7.2 million in bonds to fund the reconstruction of East State Street;
*authorize Montpelier to issue $1.815 million to fund the purchase of a pellet boiler at the Public Works Garage, street light replacements, and intersection improvements at Barre and Main Street, a retaining wall on Marvin Street, Confluence River Park, and other highway infrastructure projects, with repayment over a term of 20 years;
*authorize Montpelier to issue $2 million in bonds for the purchase of approximately 138 acres of land, formerly the Elks Club;
*authorize the city to issue $16.4 million in bonds for sewer treatment systems;
*authorize the city to levy an additional property tax of $51.5 per $100,000 in assessed property value on non-residential property in Montpelier’s Designated Downtown to fund downtown streetscaping and marketing;
*authorize spending $395,696 for the Kellogg-Hubbard Library for the 2022-2023 fiscal year;
*authorize spending $23,500 for the Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice;
*adopt an annual budget of $26,938,821 for the Montpelier Roxbury School District’s 2022-2023 fiscal year, amounting to an estimated $17,829.69 per equalized pupil;
*authorize spending $260,000 to supplement the Capital Reserve Fund in the 2022-2023 fiscal year;
*authorize spending $9,700 for the compensation of the school board of directors for the 2022-2023 fiscal year; and
*authorize the school board of directors to hold any audited fund balance as of June 30, 2022, to be spent on district operations under the control of the board.
In 2022, Ballotpedia is covering local measures that appear on the ballot for voters within the top 100 largest cities in the U.S. and all state capitals, including those outside of the top 100 largest cities. Ballotpedia is also covering a selection of notable police-related and election-related measures outside of the top 100 largest cities. Ballotpedia is also providing information on all local measures in California, as well as statewide ballot measures in the 50 states. Ballotpedia’s 2022 local ballot measure coverage includes Vermont’s state capital, Montpelier.