Author: Jackie Mitchell

  • Colorado to vote on reducing income tax rate in 2022

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    Colorado voters will decide in 2022 whether to decrease the state income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.40% The initiative would decrease the state income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.40% for tax years commencing on or after January 1, 2022. The measure would also reduce the tax rate for domestic and foreign C corporations…

  • On Saturday, Louisiana voters approved one constitutional amendment and defeated three

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    On Saturday, Louisiana voters approved one constitutional amendment and defeated three. Voters approved Amendment 2, which decreased the maximum allowable individual income tax rate from 6% to 4.75% for tax years beginning in 2022. Through House Bill 278, the legislature provided in statute that the tax bracket rates beginning in 2022 for an individual would…

  • South Dakotans Decide Healthcare submit signatures for Medicaid expansion initiative

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    South Dakotans Decide Healthcare submitted 47,000 signatures for their Medicaid expansion initiative on Nov. 8, 2021, the deadline for initiated constitutional amendment petitions in South Dakota. To qualify for the ballot, 33,921 valid signatures are required. The measure would amend the constitution to require the state to provide Medicaid benefits to adults between 18 and…

  • Independence Institute submits signatures for Colorado initiative targeting the 2022 ballot to lower the state income tax rate

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    On Oct. 29, 2021, the Independence Institute of Colorado reported submitting over 216,000 signatures for an initiative targeting the 2022 ballot to decrease the state’s income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.40%. The Independence Institute describes itself as a free-market think tank with a mission to “empower individuals and to educate citizens, legislators and opinion makers…

  • Results for Ballotpedia’s top 15 ballot measures to watch in 2021

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    A total of 39 statewide ballot measures were certified for the 2021 ballot in nine states. Fourteen were approved, and 10 were defeated. Ballotpedia also covered 156 local ballot measures. Below are Ballotpedia’s top 15 most notable ballot measures on the Nov. 2 ballot: nine statewide measures and six local ballot measures. Statewide ballot measures…

  • Colorado voters reject three ballot initiatives, including measure to create education program and raise marijuana sales tax

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    Three initiatives—Amendment 78, Proposition 119, and Proposition 120— were on the ballot on Nov. 2, and were rejected by voters. Proposition 119 would have created the Learning Enrichment and Academic Progress Program, also known as the LEAP Program, and would have increased the marijuana retail sales tax incrementally from 15% to 20% to partially fund…

  • Ballotpedia’s top 15 ballot measures to watch in 2021

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    Statewide ballot measures A total of 39 statewide ballot measures were certified for the 2021 ballot in nine states, 24 of which will be decided by voters on Nov. 2. Maine Question 1: Question 1 was designed to stop the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC), a 145-mile long, high-voltage transmission line project that would…

  • Denver voters to decide 13 ballot measures on Nov. 2, including 5 citizen initiatives

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    Thirteen ballot measures are on the ballot in Denver on Nov. 2, 2021. The Denver City Council referred eight of the measures to the ballot. The referrals include five bond measures totaling $450 million proposed by Mayor Michael Hancock. Initiative proponents put five measures on the ballot through signature petition drives. Two of the initiatives,…

  • Juneau voters approve sales tax renewal measure

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    Photo of the city of Juneau, Alaska

    Voters in Juneau approved a measure on October 5 that renewed for five years (until June 30, 2027) the city’s 3% sales tax set to expire on July 1, 2022. The measure continued the existing total sales tax rate of 5%. The measure was put on the ballot through a vote of the Juneau Assembly.…

  • Lawsuit filed seeking to remove Amendment 78 from Colorado’s November ballot

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    Scott Wasserman of the Bell Policy Center and Summit County Commissioner Tamara Pogue filed a lawsuit in Denver District Court arguing that the Colorado Secretary of State’s office improperly certified Amendment 78 for the ballot. The plaintiffs asked the court to either remove the measure from the ballot or order that votes for the measure…