Author: Nicole Fisher

  • Arizona voters will decide on creating office of lieutenant governor

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    This November, voters in Arizona will choose whether to create the office of lieutenant governor in the state. A constitutional amendment creating this office will appear on the ballot. The measure would also have voters elect the governor and lieutenant governor on a joint ticket. If the governor dies or leaves office, the lieutenant governor…

  • Initiative to expand Medicaid to appear on South Dakota ballot

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    On June 9, 2022, South Dakota Secretary of State Steve Barnett (R) announced that an initiated state statute to expand Medicaid will appear on the ballot for November 8. The initiative will appear on the ballot as Initiated Measure 28. This is the third measure to appear on the South Dakota ballot this November, and…

  • Amendment C defeated in South Dakota

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    Amendment C was defeated by South Dakota voters on June 7, 2022. With 99.7% of precincts reporting, the ‘No’ vote was at 67.43% (122,387), and the ‘Yes’ vote was at 32.57% (59,111), with a total of 163,014 voting on the amendment. The amendment would have changed the voter requirement threshold for future ballot measures, and…

  • Initiative to cap interest rates for payday loans submits signatures for Michigan ballot

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    On June 1, the campaign Michiganders for Fair Lending submitted signatures for a ballot initiative that would appear on the November ballot. The initiative would put an annual interest cap of 36% in place for payday loans. Michiganders for Fair Lending argues that the typical payday loan carries a 370% annual rate, and that high…

  • A constitutional amendment on bail changes headed to Ohio ballot

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    On June 1, the Ohio State Senate voted to place a constitutional amendment regarding bail changes on the general election ballot this November. The Senate voted 25-7 for the amendment after it passed the House on May 25, with a vote of 63-33. The measure, if passed, would change bail policy in Ohio, specifically by…

  • Citizenship voting requirement amendment on the ballot for Ohio voters

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    On Wednesday, June 1, the Ohio State Senate voted unanimously to pass House Joint Resolution 4 (HJR4), placing it on the general election ballot for voters this November. It is the first measure to qualify for the Nov. 8 ballot in Ohio. The measure would amend three sections of the Ohio Constitution—Section 1 of Article…

  • Amendment C on the June 7 ballot for South Dakota voters

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    In South Dakota, one statewide ballot measure will appear on the June 7 primary ballot. Amendment C would change the vote requirement for future ballot measures, and may impact measures appearing on the ballot this November. Amendment C is the only statewide ballot measure that will appear on the June 7 ballot in South Dakota. Currently,…

  • Marijuana legalization initiative qualifies for the South Dakota ballot

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    On Wednesday, South Dakota Secretary of State Steve Barnett (R) announced that a ballot initiative to legalize marijuana was certified for the ballot. The measure will be titled Initiated Measure 27, and will appear on the general election ballot in November. South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws led the campaign to place the measure on…

  • Amendment to remove register of probate office on New Hampshire ballot

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    Last week, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted in agreement with the New Hampshire State Senate to approve a constitutional amendment that would eliminate the register of probate office. This measure will appear on the ballot in November for New Hampshire voters. The ballot measure was introduced to the New Hampshire General Court in…

  • Missouri Legislature passes constitutional amendment allowing increase in funding to Kansas City police

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    A constitutional amendment that would allow the state Legislature to increase the minimum required funding for Kansas City’s police department passed Missouri’s state Legislature on Friday. The measure passed in Missouri’s House of Representatives before they ended the legislative session, with 103 votes supporting the measure and 44 votes opposing the measure.  Because the amendment…