Category: Ballot measures

  • Texas voters will decide constitutional amendment prohibiting income tax

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    In November, voters in Texas will decide a constitutional amendment to prohibit the state from levying an income tax on individuals. Legislative Republicans supported the amendment but did not have the two-thirds majorities required in each legislative chamber to pass the amendment without support from some Democrats. In the Texas State House, 100 votes were…

  • Voters in Missouri will decide constitutional amendment to limit state executive officials to two terms

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    Voters in Missouri will decide a constitutional amendment to limit state executive officials to two terms in office. The constitutional amendment will be on the ballot for November 3, 2020, unless the governor calls a special election for an earlier date.   As of 2019, the state constitution limited the governor and state treasurer to…

  • Presidential hopefuls Harris, Buttigieg endorse Los Angeles schools Measure EE

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    On June 4, voters in the Los Angeles Unified School District will vote on Measure EE, a proposal to enact a special property tax to fund local schools. Approval of the measure would authorize a $0.16-per-square foot parcel tax for twelve years to fund educational improvements, instruction, and programs. School district officials have estimated that…

  • Voter-approved pay parity initiative in Houston ruled unconstitutional

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    On May 15, Judge Tanya Garrison of Texas District Court 157 ruled Proposition B (2018) unconstitutional. Proposition B was an initiative granting pay parity with city police to Houston firefighters.   Proposition B was placed on the 2018 general election ballot in Houston through a citizen initiative campaign led by the Houston Professional Fire Fighters…

  • Voters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will vote on four charter amendments on May 21, 2019

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    On May 21, 2019, voters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will vote in the city’s primary election for mayor, city council, and other city offices. Voters will also decide on four amendments to the city’s charter. The four amendments were all referred to the ballot by the city council.   Question 1 would change gender-specific references, such…

  • Texas voters will decide a ballot measure to permit $3 billion more in bonds for the state’s cancer research institute

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    On November 5, 2019, voters in Texas will decide a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to increase the maximum amount of bonds for the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) from $3 billion to $6 billion. According to the Texas House Research Organization, the state is projected to run out of bonds…

  • South Dakota’s 2018 initiative banning out-of-state ballot measure campaign contributions ruled unconstitutional

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    On April 9, 2019, Judge Charles Kornmann overturned South Dakota Initiated Measure 24, which banned contributions to ballot measure campaigns from outside of the state. Initiated Measure 24 was approved by South Dakota voters in 2018 55.5 percent to 44.5 percent.   Kornmann’s ruling blocks the state from enforcing the initiative, which was set to…

  • Vermont legislature passes constitutional amendment declaring a right to personal reproductive autonomy; could make 2022 ballot

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    On May 7, 2019, the Vermont General Assembly passed a constitutional amendment declaring a right to personal reproductive autonomy. Constitutional amendments are uncommon in Vermont. During the previous 25 years, Vermont has voted on two constitutional amendments—the lowest number in the U.S. besides Delaware, where the legislature can pass amendments without a vote of electors.…

  • Unofficial results indicate Denver has become first city to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms

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    Denver appears to have become the first city to decriminalize psilocybin mushrooms.   Although early reporting showed Denver Initiative 301 behind by several points, the final unofficial report on Wednesday revealed the measure has a lead of 50.6 percent to 49.4 percent, which is a margin of 1,979 votes out of a total of 176,661.…

  • Denver voters reject Initiative 300, the “right to survive” initiative

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    According to preliminary vote counts, voters in Denver were rejecting a citizen initiative to allow resting, sheltering oneself, eating or exchanging food, and occupying one’s own car in outdoor public places without limits or penalties enforced by the city or county, law enforcement, or any other entity. The initiative was failing by 84 percent to…