Category: Ballot measures

  • Washington initiative signature deadline passes with no campaigns submitting signatures

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    Citizens of Washington may initiate legislation as either a direct state statute—called Initiative to the People (ITP) in Washington—or indirect state statute—called Initiative to the Legislature (ITL) in Washington. In Washington, citizens also have the power to repeal legislation via veto referendum. Citizens may not initiate constitutional amendments. The signature deadline for 2021 Washington Initiatives…

  • Ballot measure records and firsts in 2020

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    2020 was a unique year for statewide ballot measures. Here are 12 ballot measure-related stories from 2020 that either never happened before or hadn’t happened in a very long time. Ballot measure campaign finance records were set nationally and in four states: California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Alaska. Gig economy policies appeared on a statewide ballot…

  • Rhode Island voters will decide seven bond issues at a special election in March

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    On December 18, Governor Gina Raimondo (D) signed the 2021 state budget that included seven bond issues totaling $400 million. Rhode Island voters will decide the questions at a special election on March 2, 2021. The ballot titles, amounts, and purposes are listed below: Question 1: Issues $107.3 million in bonds for the University of…

  • Sales and gaming tax initiatives headed to the Nevada State Legislature after clearing signature threshold

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    On December 15, 2020, county officials finished verifying signatures for the Sales Tax Increase for Public Schools Initiative and the Gaming Tax Increase on Monthly Revenue above $250,000 Initiative. The initiatives will be considered during the 2021 legislative session that convenes on February 1. If the legislature does not pass or the governor does not…

  • Ballotpedia releases year-end analysis of statewide ballot measures

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    On December 15, Ballotpedia released its year-end analysis of statewide ballot measures in 2020. Voters in 34 states decided 129 statewide ballot measures in 2020. Ninety-three were approved and 36 were defeated. One hundred and twenty measures were on the November 3 ballot. Nine measures were on ballots earlier in the year or on December…

  • Signatures filed for ballot initiative to legalize sports betting in California

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    In California, the Coalition to Authorize Regulated Sports Wagering reported filing more than 1.4 million signatures for a ballot initiative to legalize sports betting at American Indian gaming casinos and licensed racetracks. The ballot initiative would also legalize roulette and dice games, such as craps, at tribal casinos. At least 997,139 of the submitted signatures…

  • Voter turnout in 2020 increased the ballot initiative signature requirements in 10 states

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    Voter turnout in 2020 elections caused a change in the number of valid signatures required for initiatives and veto referendums in 10 of the 26 states with at least one form of statewide initiative or referendum. Signature requirements are determined differently depending on the state and, in 2022, will vary from 16,961 for initiated statutes…

  • Two tax-related ballot initiative campaigns submitted signatures in Nevada 

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    December 8 was the deadline for counties to certify signatures for 2022 citizen-initiated statutes to the Nevada Secretary of State. Campaigns behind the Gaming Fee Increase on Monthly Revenue above $250,000 Initiative (S-01-2020) and the Sales Tax Increase for Public Schools Initiative (S-02-2020) submitted over 200,000 signatures each to county officials on November 17. Citizens…

  • Signatures filed for 2022 veto referendum to repeal California’s ban on flavored tobacco product sales

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    In California, a campaign committee funded by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and Philip Morris USA filed signatures for a veto referendum to repeal the state’s law banning the sale of flavored tobacco products and tobacco product flavor enhancers. The targeted bill includes an exception for hookah tobacco. If 623,212 signatures are found to be valid, then the…

  • Support and opposition campaigns surrounding Missouri Amendment 3 raised $7.9 million in contributions

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    Missouri Amendment 3 was approved with a margin of 51% to 49%. Amendment 3 eliminated the nonpartisan state demographer created by Amendment 1 (2018); returned the state to the use of bipartisan commissions appointed by the governor for legislative redistricting; altered the criteria used to draw district maps; and changed limits on state senate campaign…