Shortly after polls closed in the New Hampshire presidential primary on Feb. 11, Andrew Yang (D) announced he was ending his presidential campaign. Yang said, “I’m a numbers guy and if we are below a threshold where we are going to get delegates here in New Hampshire, if we are unlikely to hit that threshold…
The filing deadline to run for elected office in Pennsylvania is on February 18, 2020. In Pennsylvania, prospective candidates may file for the following state offices: U.S. House of Representatives (18 seats) Attorney General Auditor Treasurer State Senate (25 seats) House of Representatives (203 seats) The primary is scheduled for April 28, and the general…
Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is the Democratic delegate scoreboard leader, earning a projected 14 pledged delegates out of Iowa. Sen. Bernie Sanders (Vt.), the popular vote winner in Iowa, follows with 12 pledged delegates. The Sanders campaign requested the Iowa Democratic Party complete a partial recanvass of the results in 25 precincts and…
Each week, we report the number of pageviews received by 2020 presidential campaigns on Ballotpedia. These numbers reflect the time investments of our community of thousands of readers who visit a Ballotpedia because they think the candidate is worth knowing more about, whether they believe the candidate has a strong chance of winning or is…
As of February 10, 2020, 2,523 major party candidates have filed to run for the Senate and House of Representatives in 2020. So far, 355 candidates are filed with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) to run for U.S. Senate in 2020. Of those, 302—159 Democrats and 143 Republicans—were from one of the two major political…
Fifteen candidates are running in the Republican primary for Texas’ 13th Congressional District on March 3. Incumbent Mac Thornberry (R), who was first elected in 1994, announced in September 2019 that he would not seek re-election. Thornberry won his last election in 2018 by a margin of victory of 65 percentage points. Media coverage and…
The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity. From February 3 to February 7, the Federal Register grew by 1,288 pages for a year-to-date total of 7,190 pages. Over the same…
The Democratic Party will hold its eighth presidential primary debate in Manchester, New Hampshire, on Feb. 7. Seven candidates qualified for the debate: former Vice President Joe Biden, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Sen. Bernie Sanders, investor Tom Steyer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and businessman Andrew Yang. Yang was the only candidate to qualify…
In this month’s federal judicial vacancy count, Ballotpedia tracked nominations, confirmations, and vacancies from January 3, 2020, to February 3, 2020. Ballotpedia publishes the federal judicial vacancy count at the start of each month. HIGHLIGHTS Vacancies: There have been three new judicial vacancies since the December 2019 report. There are 75 vacancies out of 870…
The Democratic Iowa caucuses were held on February 3, 2020, though the Iowa Democratic Party delayed releasing the caucus results due to quality control issues. Across the three-day period including the caucuses, from February 2 to February 4, Bernie Sanders led all Democratic candidates in pageviews on Ballotpedia with 3,070, which was 16.1% of all…