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Welcome to the Monday, February 21, Brew. By: Samuel Wonacott It’s President’s Day—here’s a brief history Today is President’s Day—an annual federal holiday that falls on the third Monday of February. Here’s a quick history about the holiday—and the presidency. If you have a favorite fact about the office or presidents, reply to this email…
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Our weekly summary of state & local news highlights the start of Texas’ early voting and an update on redistricting. Read all about it in this week’s edition of the State & Local Tap. Today’s edition is the final version of the State & Local Tap. We are so grateful for your readership over the…
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Our weekly summary of federal news updates you on Congressman Jim Hagedorn’s (R) recent death and the newest congressional districts in Minnesota. Read all about it in this week’s edition of the Federal Tap. Today’s edition is the final version of the Federal Tap. We are so grateful for your readership over the years. Please…
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Abortion-related statewide ballot measures: the most in 36 years Currently, voters in Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, and Vermont are slated to decide at least four ballot measures addressing abortion—the most since 1986. If proponents of an abortion-related initiative in Michigan collect enough signatures to qualify for the ballot, 2022 will be the year with the most…
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On Feb. 15, the Virginia House of Delegates passed five Republican-sponsored bills dealing with public-sector union policy. The bills are now in committee in the Senate, where Democrats hold a majority. About the bills The Virginia House of Delegates passed the following five bills on Feb. 15: Virginia HB336: This bill would require a 51%…
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Welcome to the Friday, February 18, Brew. By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Five governors—all in states with divided governments—have vetoed at least one redistricting map this cycle New Mexico voters will decide amendment changing when appointed judges must stand for election #FridayTrivia: Before this week, when…
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February 17, 2022 In this issue: Republican Governors Association runs pro-Kemp ad in Georgia and Arrington challenges Mace in SC-01 Republican Governors Association releases pro-Kemp ad in Georgia RGA Georgia 2022 PAC, an affiliate of the Republican Governors Association (RGA), spent $500,000 on an ad supporting Gov. Brian Kemp. The Hill’s Max Greenwood wrote, “While…
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In this issue: A primary rematch in NY-12 and dueling endorsements in MI-11’s incumbent-vs.-incumbent primary Suraj Patel challenges Rep. Carolyn Maloney again in NY-12 New York’s 12th Congressional District Rep. Carolyn Maloney faces at least seven challengers in the Democratic primary, including one she’s faced twice before. Suraj Patel, who Maloney defeated most recently in…
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Welcome to the Thursday, February 17, Brew. By: Samuel Wonacott Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Voters recall school board members in San Francisco and Nebraska Sixty-seven statewide measures in 31 states certified for the ballot this year Texas primary election preview Voters recall school board members in San Francisco…
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On the issues In this section, we curate reporting, analysis, and commentary on the issues school board members deliberate when they set out to offer the best education possible in their district. The debate over masking in classrooms CNN opinion columnist Jill Filipovic writes that the CDC needs to stop promoting the generalized recommendation for…