Tag: ballot measures

  • California parcel tax measures have an approval rate of 62% during odd-numbered years; in 2023, 89% have been approved so far

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    From 2011 to 2021, voters decided 216 parcel tax-related ballot measures in California during odd-numbered year elections. Voters approved 133 (61.57%) and rejected 83 (38.43%). Through April, voters have decided on nine parcel tax ballot measures in California in 2023. Eight (88.89%) were approved, and one (11.11%) was defeated. This approval rate is higher than…

  • Update on this year’s and next year’s ballot measure certifications

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    As of May 2, 2023, seven statewide measures have been certified for the ballot in four states for elections in 2023. That’s the same as the average number (7) certified at this point in other odd-numbered years from 2011 to 2021.  For 2024, 32 statewide measures have been certified in 16 states. That’s six more…

  • Enacted ballot collection bills make mostly small changes, several states considering new restriction and penalties

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    Ten states are considering legislation related to ballot collection, or ballot harvesting, while three states have enacted legislation on the topic so far in 2023. In 2022, seven states enacted bills while 15 others considered legislation. The number of bills and states considering ballot collection measures is smaller in 2023 than last year.  Most legislation…

  • Four property tax renewal measures will be on March 25 ballot in East Baton Rouge Consolidated School District No. 1

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    Voters in East Baton Rouge Consolidated School District No. 1 will decide on four property tax renewal measures on March 25. In total, approval of the four measures would renew property tax levies of 18.33 mills ($1,833 per $100,000 of a home’s assessed value) for 10 years: Proposition 1: Renew a 6.50 mill property tax…

  • Update on this year’s and next year’s ballot measure certifications

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    As of March 7, 2023, five statewide measures have been certified for the ballot in three states for elections in 2023. That’s the same as the average number certified at this point in other odd-numbered years from 2011 to 2021.  For 2024, 16 statewide measures have been certified in five states. That’s double the average…

  • Right to Repair Act initiative certified to the legislature in Maine

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    On Feb. 21, 2023, the Maine secretary of state announced that enough valid signatures were submitted for the “Right to Repair Act” initiative, allowing it to be certified to the Maine State Legislature. Out of the 83,252 signatures submitted by the Maine Automotive Right to Repair Committee on Jan. 19, 2023, 74,686 of the signatures…

  • Ballotpedia’s analysis of 2022 local ballot measures in California

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    In 2022, there were 572 local ballot measures on six different election dates in California. Voters approved 396 (69%) of these measures and rejected 176 (31%). Out of these measures, 470 of them were on the November 8, 2022, ballot. There were 147 fewer local ballot measures than in the previous even-year election in 2020.…

  • The lowest and the highest readability scores for 2017-2022 ballot measures

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    Ballotpedia conducts an annual readability report analyzing what level of education voters would need to understand the ballot titles and summaries of statewide ballot measures using Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL). Measurements used in calculating readability scores include the number of syllables, words, and sentences in a text. Other factors, such…

  • Voters approved 10, rejected 4 local measures in San Francisco

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    Voters in San Francisco decided on 14 local ballot measures on Nov. 8. Ten were approved and four were defeated. Four were citizen initiatives, of which, one was approved and three were defeated. The city’s board of supervisors referred 10 of the measures to the ballot, of which 9 were approved and one was defeated.…

  • 2022 statewide ballot measures written at graduate school reading level

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    The ballot language for the 140 statewide ballot measures on the ballot in 38 states in 2022 is written at an average reading level of 19 (graduate school reading level), up from 18 in 2021. Ballotpedia identified 66 measures with a ballot summary that was set to appear alongside the ballot question on the ballot.…