Tag: Campaign Finance 2022

  • These 10 Pennsylvania donors gave over $35.3 million

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    In Pennsylvania politics, state-level candidates and political action committees have received $462.2 million in total donations between Jan. 1, 2021, and June 6, 2022. The 10 largest donors gave more than $35.3 million, or 8 percent of all contributions. These are the top 10 individual donors to Pennsylvania state-level candidates and political action committees (PACs)…

  • These 10 Arizona donors gave over $27.3 million

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    In Arizona politics, state-level candidates and political action committees have received $162.1 million in total donations between Jan. 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. The 10 largest donors gave more than $27.3 million, or 17 percent of all contributions. These are the top 10 individual donors to Arizona state-level candidates and political action committees (PACs)…

  • These 10 California donors gave over $56.3 million

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    In California politics, state-level candidates and political action committees have received $1.5 billion in total donations between Jan. 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. The 10 largest donors gave more than $56.3 million, or 4 percent of all contributions. These are the top 10 individual donors to California state-level candidates and political action committees (PACs)…

  • These 10 Indiana donors gave over $2.7 million

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    In Indiana politics, state-level candidates and political action committees have received $54.0 million in total donations between Jan. 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. The 10 largest donors gave more than $2.7 million, or 5 percent of all contributions. These are the top 10 individual donors to Indiana state-level candidates and political action committees (PACs)…

  • These 10 Michigan donors gave over $29.9 million

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    In Michigan politics, state-level candidates and political action committees have received $229.5 million in total donations between Jan. 1, 2021, and Aug. 22, 2022. The 10 largest donors gave more than $29.9 million, or 13 percent of all contributions. These are the top 10 individual donors to Michigan state-level candidates and political action committees (PACs)…

  • Steve Doyle spent more than any other Democratic Assembly candidate or officeholder in Wisconsin

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    Wisconsin Democratic Assembly candidates and officeholders have spent $1.4 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state representatives and candidates, Steve Doyle has spent more than any other Democrat. Doyle is the representative for Wisconsin Assembly District 94 and is running for re-election in 2022. Doyle raised $662,798 and spent $130,155 between Jan. 1, 2021,…

  • Mark Finchem spent more than any other Republican House candidate or officeholder in Arizona

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    Arizona Republican House candidates and officeholders have spent $4.5 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state representatives and candidates, Mark Finchem has spent more than any other Republican. Finchem is the representative for Arizona House District 11 and is running for Arizona Secretary of State in 2022. Finchem raised $1.2 million and spent $1.1…

  • Reginald Bolding spent more than any other Democratic House candidate or officeholder in Arizona

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    Arizona Democratic House candidates and officeholders have spent $2.6 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state representatives and candidates, Reginald Bolding has spent more than any other Democrat. Bolding is the representative for Arizona House District 27 and ran for Arizona Secretary of State in 2022. Bolding raised $518,016 and spent $415,772 between Jan.…

  • Robin Vos spent more than any other Republican Assembly candidate or officeholder in Wisconsin

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    Wisconsin Republican Assembly candidates and officeholders have spent $2.1 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state representatives and candidates, Robin Vos has spent more than any other Republican. Vos is the representative for Wisconsin Assembly District 63 and is running for re-election in 2022. Vos raised $254,447 and spent $131,191 between Jan. 1, 2021,…

  • Carrie DelRosso spent more than any other Republican House candidate or officeholder in Pennsylvania

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    Pennsylvania Republican House candidates and officeholders have spent $10.8 million during the 2022 election cycle. Among state representatives and candidates, Carrie DelRosso has spent more than any other Republican. DelRosso is the representative for Pennsylvania House District 33 and is running for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania in 2022. DelRosso raised $2.1 million and spent $1.8…