Twenty state supreme court justices vacated their seats before their term was scheduled to end in 2024. Of the 20 vacancies, 17 were caused by justices retiring, and three were caused by justices ascending to the chief justice position of the court. This is the first year since Ballotpedia started tracking state supreme court vacancies…
On April 12, lawmakers in the Republican-controlled Kentucky Legislature overrode Gov. Andy Beshear’s (D) veto of House Bill 622. The bill amends Kentucky law “to require the Governor to sign a proclamation for an election to fill a vacancy in the office of United States Senator” and “extend the term of the candidate who wins…
In this month’s state supreme court vacancy update, Ballotpedia tracked announced retirements, nominations, appointments, confirmations, and new justices taking office from November 1 to November 30, 2023. Ballotpedia tracks court vacancies in all 52 state supreme courts. Announced retirements: Two state supreme court justices announced their intention to retire from their state’s highest court in…
Ballotpedia has tracked two state supreme court justice vacancies for 2024. The first state supreme court justice to confirm her retirement in 2024 was Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Elspeth Cypher, who announced in June 2023 that she plans to retire on January 12, 2024. The second to confirm retirement in 2024 was Justice Keith G.…
Through April 13, 2023, there were 890 authorized federal judicial posts and 76 vacancies. Seventy-four of those were for Article III judgeships. This report is limited to Article III courts, where appointees are confirmed to lifetime judgeships. By April 1, 802 days in office, President Joe Biden (D) had nominated 158 judges to Article III…
As of March 14, there have been eight state supreme court vacancies or vacancy announcements in 2023 for judges whose replacements are chosen via appointment instead of election. Alaska, California, North Dakota, and Tennessee each have one state supreme court vacancy. Delaware and Missouri each have two state supreme court vacancies. Two judges vacated their…
In this month’s federal judicial vacancy count, Ballotpedia tracked nominations, confirmations, and vacancies in Article III courts during the month of June through July 1, 2022. Ballotpedia publishes the federal judicial vacancy count at the start of each month. Highlights Vacancies: There have been three new judicial vacancies since the May 2022 report. There are…
Six seats are currently vacant in the Missouri House of Reprsentatives, with the oldest open since April 21, 2021. On that date, former State Rep. Rick Roeber (R)—who represented District 34—was expelled from the House by unanimous vote due to allegations of child abuse. District 65 became vacant after the death of State Rep. Tom…
In February’s federal judicial vacancy count, Ballotpedia tracked nominations, confirmations, and vacancies in Article III courts during the month of February through March 1. Ballotpedia publishes the federal judicial vacancy count at the start of each month. HIGHLIGHTS Vacancies: There have been two new judicial vacancies since the January 2022 report. There are 78 vacancies…
Mississippi state Rep. Abe Hudson Jr. (D-29) resigned on Aug. 30. “Serving in this capacity has been one of the highest honors and proudest accomplishments of my life,” Hudson said in a video he posted to Facebook. “I believe that my transition will allow both the Mississippi Delta and I to grow. Furthermore, it will…