As part of Ballotpedia’s coverage on the coronavirus pandemic, we are compiling a daily summary of major changes in the world of politics, government, and elections happening each day. Here is the summary of changes for April 9, 2020.
Election changes
Overview to date:
- Nineteen states and one territory have postponed state-level primary or special elections. Another five states have postponed, or authorized the postponement of, municipal election dates on a statewide basis.
- Nine states have modified their candidate filing requirements.
- Nineteen states have made modifications to their voting procedures.
- Political parties in 15 states have made changes to party events on a statewide basis.
- Georgia – Georgia postponed its statewide primary and presidential primary elections to June 9. The primary runoff was postponed to August 11. The state had previously postponed its presidential primary to May 19, the original date of its statewide primary.
Ballot measure changes
Overview to date:
- Ballotpedia tracked 18 statewide initiative petition drives that suspended signature gathering.
- Five states changed ballot measure procedures.
- At least four lawsuits seeking court orders suspending or changing requirements and deadlines.
State legislative responses
Overview to date:
- To date, 388 bills related to the coronavirus pandemic have been introduced in state legislatures.
- Seventy-two significant bills have been enacted into law, 19 percent of the total number that have been introduced. This total omits ceremonial resolutions and legislation providing for procedural changes to legislative business.
State legislative session changes
Read more: Changes to state legislative session dates in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020
Overview to date:
- Twenty-five state legislatures have suspended their sessions. Five of those have since reconvened.
- Eighteen legislatures have either adjourned or are not scheduled to be in regular session this year.
- Four state legislatures are in regular session.
- Two state legislatures (Oklahoma and Wisconsin) are in special session.
- One state (Minnesota) has partially suspended legislative activity.
State court changes
Overview to date:
- Thirty-four states suspended in-person proceedings statewide.
- Sixteen states suspended in-person proceedings on the local level.
- Rhode Island – The Rhode Island state judiciary closed courts to non-emergency matters through May 17.
Prison inmate responses
Overview to date:
- Fourteen states have ordered the release of inmates at the state level.
- Eighteen states have ordered the release of inmates on the local level.
- Sixteen have not released inmates due to coronavirus.
- Two states have prohibited the release of certain inmate populations.
State stay-at-home orders
Overview to date:
- So far, 43 states issued statewide stay-at-home orders. Seven of those orders are set to last until modified or rescinded by the governor, while the other 36 announced end dates.
- Michigan – Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) extended the state’s stay-at-home order to April 30.
- Georgia – Gov. Brian Kemp (R) extended the state’s stay-at-home order to April 30.
School closures
Overview to date:
- Nineteen states closed schools for the remainder of the academic year: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington. Those states account for 41.5% of the 50.6 million public school students in the country.
- All 50 states ordered a statewide school closure in some form.
- Connecticut – Gov. Ned Lamont (D) announced that the statewide school closure, scheduled to end April 20, was extended through May 20.
- Missouri – Gov. Mike Parson (R) closed schools for the remainder of the academic year. Prior to the announcement, schools were closed through April 24.
- Oregon – On Wednesday afternoon, Gov. Kate Brown (D) ordered schools to remain closed for the rest of the academic year. Before the announcement, schools were scheduled to be closed through April 28.
- Pennsylvania – Gov. Tom Wolf (D) closed schools for the remainder of the academic year. Prior to the announcement, schools had been closed indefinitely from March 16.
Travel restrictions
Read more: Travel restrictions issued by states in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, 2020
Overview to date:
- Eighteen states have issued executive orders on interstate travel restrictions.
- Utah – Gov. Gary Herbert (R) issued an order requiring all visitors over the age of 18 who enter Utah through airports or roadways to complete a travel declaration within three hours of entering the state.
Eviction and foreclosure policies
- Thirty-one states have implemented policies related to evictions or foreclosures.
- California – On April 6, California’s Judicial Council temporarily suspended evictions and foreclosures statewide for 90 days until after the state of emergency ends. This order does not prohibit landlords from starting an eviction.
- Rhode Island – In their order closing courts to non-emergency matters through May 17, the Rhode Island state judiciary suspended eviction proceedings. The court precluded new eviction filings and hearings from being heard before the court until May 17.
Diagnosed or quarantined politicians identified by Ballotpedia in the last 24 hours
Federal politicians who tested positive for coronavirus
- Rep. Neal Dunn (R-FL)
State politicians who tested negative for coronavirus
- State Senator Joyce Elliott (D-AR)