Author: Ellen Morrissey

  • Biden holds lead in PredictIt’s 2024 presidential election market

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    Image of the south facade of the White House.

    As of February 21, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.36, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.29, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.27. Biden has held the lead in this market since January 22, 2023. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share…

  • Republican National Committee outraising the Democratic National Committee for third consecutive time at this point in the presidential election cycle

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    The Republican National Committee (RNC) has outraised the Democratic National Committee (DNC) so far in the 2024 presidential election cycle, according to their most recent filings with the Federal Election Commission.  From January 2021, the beginning of the 2024 presidential election campaign finance cycle, through January 2023, the RNC has raised $340 million in cumulative…

  • Current presidential candidate field a quarter of the size of 2020’s at this point last cycle

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    Photo of the White House in Washington, D.C.

    Former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley (R) announced on Feb. 14 that she was running for president of the United States. In a video, she said, “It’s time for a new generation of leadership to rediscover fiscal responsibility, secure our border, and strengthen our country, our pride, and our purpose.” The announcement…

  • Trump maintains lead over DeSantis, Haley in PredictIt’s 2024 Republican primary market

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    As of February 14, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.35, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.30, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.27. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share price. The share price, which rises and falls based on market demand,…

  • DNC votes to approve new early presidential primary calendar, uncertainties remain

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    Photo of the White House in Washington, D.C.

    The Democratic National Committee approved a new set of early presidential primary states on February 4. The plan sets South Carolina as the first primary state on February 3, 2024, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada on February 6, Georgia on February 13, and Michigan on February 27. In 2020, the early primary states were…

  • Trump gains lead in PredictIt’s Republican primary market for first time since November

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    As of February 6, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.34, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.30, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.26. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share price. The share price, which rises and falls based on market demand,…

  • Here’s how 2024’s presidential election timeline compares to 2020 and 2016

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    The 2024 Republican presidential primary may be about to gain its second noteworthy candidate, according to The Post and Courier. The paper reported that former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) plans to announce her campaign on February 15. She’d be joining former President Donald Trump (R), who announced his campaign in…

  • Biden regains lead in PredictIt’s 2024 presidential betting market

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    As of January 31, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.34, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.30, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.23. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share price. The share price, which rises and falls based on market demand,…

  • Eight candidates running for mayor of Jacksonville, Florida

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    Eight candidates are running in the general election for mayor of Jacksonville, Florida, on March 21, 2023. All candidates run in the general election regardless of party affiliation. If no candidate receives a majority of votes in the general, the top two vote-getters will advance to a runoff on May 16, 2023. Donna Deegan (D),…

  • One elected official remains suspended from a major social media or online platform

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    At least seven elected officials were suspended and/or banned from either Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube while in office from May 10, 2021, through January 31, 2023. YouTube’s indefinite suspension of former President Donald Trump (R) is the only suspension that remains in place. YouTube suspended Trump’s account following comments he made during a news conference…