Author: Ellen Morrissey

  • School mask requirements since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Seven states ended their school mask requirements from Feb. 1 through March 1, leaders in seven other states announced these mandates would end between March 2 and March 12. Only one state, Hawaii, has not announced an end to its school mask requirement. Thirty-five states have required masks in schools at some point since the…

  • Biden nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court

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    President Joe Biden (D) announced on Feb. 25 he would nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the United States Supreme Court to fill the vacancy left by Stephen Breyer. In a statement, the White House said: “Jackson is an exceptionally qualified nominee as well as an historic nominee, and the Senate should move forward with…

  • Incumbent Gov. Mike DeWine (R) faces primary challengers in May 3 election

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    Four candidates are running in the Republican primary election for governor of Ohio on May 3, 2022. Two candidates—incumbent Mike DeWine (R) and Jim Renacci (R)—have led the field in fundraising and media coverage. Politico’s Zach Montellaro and Michael Kruse wrote that the “primary could show just how far [support for Donald Trump (R)], even…

  • New Jersey Legislative Reapportionment Commission enacts new legislative maps

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    The New Jersey Legislative Reapportionment Commission voted to enact new state legislative district maps on Feb. 18, 2022. The maps will take effect for New Jersey’s 2023 state legislative elections. The commission voted 9-2 to approve the maps. Thomas Kean Jr. (R) and Cosmo A. Cirillo (D) were the two dissenting votes. The New Jersey…

  • North Carolina state court approves new congressional, legislative maps

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    North Carolina enacted new congressional and legislative districts on Feb. 23, 2022, after the Wake County Superior Court approved legislative maps that the General Assembly approved on Feb. 16 and 17. The court also adopted a new congressional map proposed by a panel of court-appointed special masters. North Carolina was apportioned 14 seats in the…

  • National Republican Senatorial Committee reports its highest monthly fundraising numbers of 2022 election cycle

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    Six party committees raised a combined $867 million in the first 13 months of the 2022 election cycle. The committees raised $76 million in January, according to recent filings with the Federal Election Commission. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) raised $11.7 million and spent $6.8 million in January, while the National Republican Congressional Committee…

  • Pennsylvania Supreme Court enacts new congressional map

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    The Pennsylvania Supreme Court selected a new congressional district map, officially enacting that map as part of the post-2020 redistricting process on Feb. 23. Pennsylvania was apportioned 17 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives after the 2020 census, one fewer than it received after the 2010 census. This map will take effect for Pennsylvania’s…

  • Confirmation votes for SCOTUS justices appointed since 1967

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    President Joe Biden (D) said that he will name his nominee to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the United States Supreme Court by the end of February. Whoever the nominee is, they are set to be the first to require confirmation from a United States Senate divided 50-50. Since 1967, when the U.S. Senate held…

  • Pennsylvania enacts new legislative maps

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    Pennsylvania enacted new state legislative districts on Feb. 4, 2022, when the Pennsylvania Legislative Reapportionment Commission voted to approve new maps. The maps will take effect for Pennsylvania’s 2022 state legislative elections. The commission approved the maps in a single 4-1 vote. House Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff (R) voted no, while Senate Majority Leader Kim…

  • Four states to end school mask mandates

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    Governors or agencies in four states announced they would end their school mask mandates on Feb. 7 New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) became the first governor to lift a statewide school mask requirement during the 2021-2022 school year. The requirement is set to end on March 7. New Jersey has required masks in school…