Category: Local

  • Three candidates are running in the May 3 Democratic primary for Nashville District Attorney

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    Three candidates are running in the May 3 Democratic primary for Davidson County District Attorney: incumbent Glenn Funk, Sara Beth Myers, and P. Danielle Nellis. Funk was elected to an eight-year term in 2014. Nashville, Tennessee’s largest city, is the county seat of Davidson County. Funk has said he is “the only candidate in this…

  • Hall Pass: Your Ticket to Understanding School Board Politics, Edition #10

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    Welcome to Hall Pass. This newsletter keeps you plugged into the conversations driving school board politics and governance. Each week, we bring you a roundup of the latest on school board elections, along with sharp commentary and research from across the political spectrum on the issues confronting school boards in the country’s 14,000 school districts.…

  • Voters in Little Rock to decide measure to reduce an ad valorem tax for the Central Arkansas Library System

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    Voters in Little Rock will decide on a ballot measure that would reduce the existing capital-improvement millage from 1.8 to 1.3 mills on May 24. This would equate to $130 per $100,000 of assessed property value. The existing limit is a combination of two separate ad valorem taxes each at 0.9 mills. The measure would…

  • Hall Pass: Your Ticket to Understanding School Board Politics, Edition #9

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    Welcome to Hall Pass. This newsletter keeps you plugged into the conversations driving school board politics and governance. Each week, we bring you a roundup of the latest on school board elections, along with sharp commentary and research from across the political spectrum on the issues confronting school boards in the country’s 14,000 school districts.…

  • Guilford County voters in North Carolina to decide on sales tax increase and school bond measure on May 17

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    The Guilford County Board of Commissioners is asking voters to approve a 0.25% local sales tax increase and a $1.7 billion school bond measure at the May 17 primary election. One measure would authorize the county to issue $1.7 billion in bonds for constructing new schools, improving and expanding existing schools, and school equipment. The…

  • Hall Pass: Your Ticket to Understanding School Board Politics – Edition 8

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    Welcome to Hall Pass. This newsletter keeps you plugged into the conversations driving school board politics and governance. Each week, we bring you a roundup of the latest on school board elections, along with sharp commentary and research from across the political spectrum on the issues confronting school boards in the country’s 14,000 school districts.…

  • St. Louis voters approve a capital improvements bond issue and an initiative on redistricting and elections on Tuesday

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    St. Louis voters approved both measures on their ballots on Tuesday. According to final election night results, 84% of voters approved Proposition 1, a $50 million bond issue, and 69% of voters approved Proposition R, a citizen initiative concerning election law, redistricting, and conflicts of interest. Proposition 1 required a two-thirds (66.67%) majority, and Proposition…

  • Kansas City voters approve all three measures on their April 5 ballots

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    The Kansas City Council referred all three measures to the April 5 ballot. According to final election night results, voters approved all three measures by over 70%. Voters approved Question 1 by 79.5% to 20.5%. Question 1 authorized the city to issue $750 million in revenue bonds for expanding, improving, and rehabilitating the city’s sanitary…

  • Jefferson City voters approve $44 million in sewer bonds on April 5

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    Jefferson City voters approved the only question on their ballot by 85% to 15% on April 5. The measure authorized the city to issue $44 million in revenue bonds for sewer system improvements, maintenance, and operations. The Jefferson City Council referred a bond measure to the ballot. A municipal revenue bond is debt security used…

  • D.C. voters to decide whether to increase the minimum wage for tipped workers in November

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    On April 6, the D.C. Board of Elections announced that the campaign behind Initiative 82, which would increase the minimum wage for tipped workers, submitted 27,026 valid signatures—enough to qualify for the ballot. The campaign had originally targeted the June primary ballot, but with a delay during the signature verification process the board missed the…