Category: Local

  • Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council recall election canceled 3 days before scheduled election date

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    A recall election seeking to remove Cedric Cromwell and Gordon Harris from their positions as chairman and treasurer of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council in Massachusetts, respectively, was scheduled to be held on September 15, 2019, but it was canceled three days prior to the election date. The tribe’s election committee canceled the recall election…

  • 31 candidates running in the Manchester school board election in New Hampshire

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    Thirty-one candidates are running for 14 seats on the Manchester School District school board in New Hampshire. The primary is being held on September 17, and the general election is on November 5. The filing deadline for this election was July 19. The elections are nonpartisan.   Nine of 14 incumbents are running for re-election…

  • Memphis, Tennessee early voting begins for October 3 election

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    Early voting began Friday, September 13, and extends through Saturday, September 28, for the October 3 Memphis city election. Voters will be electing the mayor, all 13 seats on the city council, the city court clerk, and all three municipal court judges, as well as one local ballot measure.   Twelve candidates are on the…

  • Charlotte mayor Vi Lyles advances to general election with 86.6% of the vote

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    Charlotte, North Carolina, held partisan primary elections last Tuesday for mayor and city council. Twelve seats are appearing on the general election ballot on November 5, 2019. Democratic primaries were held for mayor and all city council districts except for Districts 6 and 7. City Council District 7 was the only office to hold a…

  • Orlando filing deadline passes for mayor and 3 city council seats

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    The filing deadline to run for mayor and three of seven city council seats in Orlando, Florida, was on September 13. The city of Orlando is holding general elections for mayor and city council Districts 2, 4, and 6 on November 5, 2019. If needed, a runoff election is scheduled for December 3, 2019.  …

  • Nine vie for open Atlanta school board seat in bid to hold swing vote

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    A special election will be held on Tuesday for the District 2 seat on the Atlanta Public Schools school board. Nine candidates filed to run in the election. They had until July 10, 2019, to file for the seat and, if needed, a runoff election is scheduled for October 15.   The special election was…

  • Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council recall election to be held September 15

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    A recall election seeking to remove Cedric Cromwell and Gordon Harris from their positions as chairman and treasurer, respectively, of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council in Massachusetts will be held on September 15.   Cromwell and Harris were targeted for recall along with vice chairwoman Jessie “Little Doe” Baird in April 2019. Recall supporters cited…

  • 16 Colorado school districts holding nonpartisan elections for 47 seats

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    Seventy candidates filed to run for 47 school board seats up for nonpartisan election across 16 Colorado school districts in 2019. Of those, 10 races for seats on five school boards were canceled due to lack of opposition. The unopposed candidates automatically won and will be sworn in after the general election on November 5.…

  • Cooper defeats incumbent Briley in Nashville mayoral runoff

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    At-Large Metro Councilmember John Cooper defeated incumbent Mayor David Briley in the runoff election for Nashville mayor Thursday. Briley conceded the race after the results of early voting showed that, of around 49,000 votes, Cooper received 70 percent to Briley’s 30 percent. Briley was the first mayor of Nashville’s Metro government (formed in 1963) to…

  • Eighteen file to run for four Boise city offices in November

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    In Boise, Idaho, 18 candidates filed to run for four nonpartisan city offices on the November 5 general election ballot. The position of mayor and three of the city council’s six seats are up for election. The candidate filing deadline passed on September 6, and the withdrawal deadline is September 20.   The mayoral election…