Tag: administrative state

  • Federal Register weekly update: More than 500 total documents issued this week

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    Banner with the words "The Administrative State Project"

    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From Oct. 18 through Oct. 22, the Federal Register grew by 1,238 pages for a year-to-date…

  • OIRA reviewed 38 significant rules in September

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    Graphic with the five pillars of the

    In September 2021, the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) reviewed 38 significant regulatory actions issued by federal agencies. OIRA approved one of these rules with no changes and approved the intent of 35 rules while recommending changes to their content. Two rules were withdrawn from the review process by the issuing…

  • Federal Register weekly update: Over 600 new documents added

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    Banner with the words "The Administrative State Project"

    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From September 27 through October 1, the Federal Register grew by 1,402 pages for a year-to-date…

  • Checks and Balances – September 2021 – Sue and settle returns to the EPA

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    The Checks and Balances Letter delivers news and information from Ballotpedia’s Administrative State Project, including pivotal actions at the federal and state levels related to the separation of powers, due process and the rule of law. This edition:  In this month’s edition of Checks and Balances, we review federal legislation that would return administrative law…

  • Federal Register weekly update: 611 new documents added

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    Banner with the words "The Administrative State Project"

    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s overall regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From August 23 through August 27, the Federal Register grew by 1,344 pages for a…

  • Checks and Balances: FTC expands interpretation of its antitrust enforcement authority

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    The Checks and Balances Letter delivers news and information from Ballotpedia’s Administrative State Project, including pivotal actions at the federal and state levels related to the separation of powers, due process and the rule of law. This edition:  In this month’s edition of Checks and Balances, we review a recent vote from the Federal Trade…

  • Checks and Balances – Federal Housing Finance Agency structure ruled unconstitutional

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    The Checks and Balances Letter delivers news and information from Ballotpedia’s Administrative State Project, including pivotal actions at the federal and state levels related to the separation of powers, due process and the rule of law. This edition:  In this month’s edition of Checks and Balances, we review the latest administrative law activity from the…

  • U.S. Supreme Court rules Federal Housing Finance Agency has unconstitutional structure

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    In Collins v. Yellen, the U.S. Supreme Court held that restrictions on the president’s authority to remove the director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) violated the separation of powers. In its June 23 decision, the court also rejected the argument that the FHFA actions at issue in the case went beyond the agency’s…

  • Checks and Balances: Idaho lawmakers fail to reauthorize administrative rules for third straight year

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    The Checks and Balances Letter delivers news and information from Ballotpedia’s Administrative State Project, including pivotal actions at the federal and state levels related to the separation of powers, due process and the rule of law. This edition:  In this month’s edition of Checks and Balances, we review the latest administrative law activity from the…

  • Unanimous U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of pre-enforcement challenge against IRS regulation

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    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled unanimously in CIC Services v. Internal Revenue Service that CIC Services, a risk management consulting firm, may challenge an IRS records reporting regulation without first violating the new regulation and paying a tax penalty. At issue was whether the Anti-Injunction Act (AIA), a federal law that bars lawsuits to prevent…