In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott is the number one fundraiser in state politics in the 2022 election cycle so far. According to the most recent campaign finance reports made to the Texas Ethics Commission, the governor received $69,538,463 in total contributions and spent $68,042,038 between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. Abbott is running…
In Texas politics, state-level candidates and officeholders raised $300.7 million between Jan. 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. More than $173.5 million, or 58 percent, of all donations reported by candidate committees were raised by the 10 individuals at the top of the list. Top 10 Texas candidates (1/1/2021 – 6/30/2022) Here are the 10…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Texas Third District Court of Appeals Seat 4 — Rosa Lopez Theofanis (D) and Lesli Fitzpatrick (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. According…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Collin County District Clerk in Texas — David Brignac (D) and Mike Gould (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. According to the Collin…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Williamson County Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 in Texas — incumbent Evelyn McLean (R) and Renée Schalk (D) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Texas House of Representatives District 19 — Pam Baggett (D) and Ellen Troxclair (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Eighty-eight of the country’s…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Texas 208th District Court in Harris County — Beverly Armstrong (D) and Heather Hudson (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. According to the…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Tarrant County Criminal Court No. 7 — Marq Clayton (D) and Eric Starnes (R) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. The Tarrant County Criminal…
The Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) on September 26, 2022, voted 8-5 to approve changes to public education curriculum guidelines that aim to align with the requirements set forth in Senate Bill 3 (SB 3) concerning instruction about race in social studies curriculum. Texas lawmakers passed SB 3 during a 2021 special session following…
Both of the candidates running in the November 8, 2022, general election for Collin County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 3 Place 2 —incumbent Mike Missildine (R) and Irvin Barrett (D) — completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office.…