Author: Douglas Kronaizl

  • 4.6% of state legislative incumbents who filed for re-election have lost in primaries

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    So far this year, 121 state legislative incumbents—20 Democrats and 101 Republicans—have lost to primary challengers. Across the 26 states that have held primaries, 4.6% of incumbents running for re-election have lost, more than in previous cycles. In addition to earlier primaries, these totals include initial results from primaries in Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oklahoma,…

  • How COVID, race, and gender affected the April 5 school board races in Missouri

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    Ballotpedia identified 37 school districts in Missouri that held elections on April 5, where candidates took a stance on three conflict issues: race in education, COVID responses, or sex and gender in schools. That’s 7.1% of the 518 school districts in the state, not all of which held elections on April 5. There were 77…

  • Two new states added—state legislative contested primaries up 30% compared to 2020

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    Welcome to the Tuesday, June 28, Brew.  By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Number of contested state legislative primaries is up 30% compared to 2020 Here’s what’s on the ballot today A quick primer on New York’s primary elections Number of contested state legislative primaries is up…

  • Decade-high rate of state legislative open seats

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    Welcome to the Friday, June 24, Brew.  By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: The percentage of state legislative open seats is at a decade-high The latest on ballot measure certifications Election preview—Illinois’ Republican gubernatorial primary The percentage of state legislative open seats is at a decade-high A…

  • Contested state legislative primaries in Wisconsin increase compared to 2020

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    There are 38 contested state legislative primaries in Wisconsin this year, 16% of the total number of possible primaries, and a 15% increase compared to the 2020 election cycle. A primary is contested when more candidates file to run than there are nominations available, meaning at least one candidate must lose. Republican candidates drove the…

  • Primary watch: number of contested state legislative primaries is up 30% compared to 2020

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    There are 30% more contested state legislative primaries this year than in 2020, including 62% more Republican primaries and 18% more top-two/four primaries. Democratic primaries are down 9%. These figures include elections in 29 states that account for 3,661 of 6,166 state legislative seats up for election this year (59%). A primary is contested when…

  • New York sees increase in state legislative incumbents facing contested primaries this year

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    Fifty-one of the 191 New York state legislators running for re-election this year—46 Democrats and five Republicans—face contested primaries. That equals 27% of incumbents seeking re-election, an increase from previous election cycles. The remaining 73% of incumbents are not facing primary challengers. A contested primary is one where more candidates run than nominations available, meaning…

  • Decade-high 23% of state legislative seats are open so far this year

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    A decade-high 23% of state legislative seats up for election this year are open, meaning no incumbents filed to run. This is based on an analysis of 30 states where Ballotpedia has collected post-filing deadline data in 2022. Open seats typically occur when an incumbent leaves office. In post-redistricting years, it is also common to…

  • 5.4% of state legislative incumbents who filed for re-election have lost in primaries

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    So far this year, 111 state legislative incumbents—18 Democrats and 93 Republicans—have lost to primary challengers. Across the 21 states that have held primaries, 5.4% of incumbents running for re-election have lost, an elevated level of incumbent losses compared to previous cycles. In addition to earlier primaries, these totals include initial results from primary runoffs…

  • Contested state legislative primary numbers remain similar to recent election cycles in Maryland

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    With all 118 state legislative districts in Maryland up for election this year, there are 236 possible primaries. Of that total, 36.4%, or 86, are contested, similar to recent cycles in 2014 and 2018, which had 84 and 89 contested primaries, respectively. A primary is contested when more candidates file to run than there are…