Author: Douglas Kronaizl

  • J.R. Majewski wins Republican primary in Ohio’s 9th Congressional District

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    J.R. Majewski defeated three other candidates—including two state lawmakers, Rep. Craig Riedel and Sen. Theresa Gavarone—on May 3 to win the Republican nomination for Ohio’s 9th Congressional District. Majewski will face incumbent U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D), first elected in 1982, in the general election on Nov. 8. In the primary, Majewski led the field…

  • State legislative incumbents in South Dakota are facing more contested primaries than at any point since 2010

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    Thirty-five of the 71 South Dakota state legislators running for re-election this year—all Republicans—face contested primaries. That equals 49% of incumbents, the highest rate since 2010. A contested primary is one where more candidates are running than there are seats up for election. In South Dakota’s Senate, every district has one seat, so a primary…

  • Primary Day in Indiana and Ohio

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    Welcome to the Tuesday, May 3,  Brew.  By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Primary Day in Indiana and Ohio Republican primaries drawing the most cash in Indiana’s state legislative races Number of contested U.S. House primaries in Alabama remains the same as last cycle Primary Day in…

  • The in’s and out’s of Indiana’s May 3 primary elections

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    By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: The in’s and out’s of Indiana’s May 3 primary elections Previewing the Brown-Turner rematch in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District Democratic primary #FridayTrivia: How many state legislative primaries will Arkansas have this year? The in’s and out’s of Indiana’s May 3 primary…

  • One week until these elections

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    By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: One week until these elections Arkansas has its most contested state legislative primaries since at least 2014 North Dakota group submits signatures for initiative to require a 60% vote requirement and single-subject rule for constitutional amendments One week until these elections…

  • Mail-in voter registration deadlines coming up in 21 states

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    By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: Mail-in voter registration deadlines coming up in 21 states Election spotlight—Texas Attorney General Republican primary runoff #FridayTrivia: What percentage of Americans live in a Solid Democratic or Republican county? Mail-in voter registration deadlines coming up in 21 states Voters in 21…

  • Arkansas has the most contested state legislative primaries since at least 2014

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    From 2014 to 2020, the number of state legislative primaries in Arkansas with more than one candidate ranged from 21 to 27. This year, the number of contested primaries rose to 62. This represents 28% of the possible state legislative primaries this year. The number of contested Republican primaries more than tripled from 2020, increasing…

  • Contested state legislative primaries in Nevada reaches highest point since at least 2014

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    There will be more contested state legislative primaries in Nevada this year than at any point since at least 2014. Of the 106 possible primaries, 48 (45%) will be contested by more than one candidate. Contested Republican primaries, in particular, more than doubled this year compared to 2020 from 15 to 31. Contested Democratic primaries…

  • Oregon state legislative elections set to have the most contested primaries since at least 2014

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    Voters in Oregon will have more decisions to make in their upcoming state legislative primaries elections than at any point since at least 2014. Of the 150 possible primaries, 38—or 25.4%—are being contested by more than one candidate.  This is also the first time since 2014 with more contested Republican primaries than Democratic primaries. Similarly,…

  • 24% of Montana legislators are term-limited this year

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    By: Douglas Kronaizl Here’s what’s in store for you as you start your day: One-quarter of Montana legislators ineligible to seek re-election this year due to term limits Applications are open for our Summer Volunteer Fellowship program North Carolina’s open 4th District draws eight Democratic candidates 24% of Montana legislators are term-limited this year Thirty…