The filing deadline for candidates running for state offices in 2022 in Alabama was Jan. 28. State legislative elections will take place in all 35 Senate and 105 House districts. Overall, 271 candidates filed for those 140 districts: 88 Democrats, 182 Republicans, and one Libertarian. This equals 1.94 candidates per district, down from 2.15 in…
Arizona enacted new congressional and legislative districts on Jan. 24, 2022, after the state’s independent redistricting commission transmitted the maps to the secretary of state. Arizona was apportioned nine seats in the U.S. House of Representatives after the 2020 census, the same number it received after the 2010 census. The state also has 30 legislative…
Between Jan. 12 and Jan. 19, officials in at least seven states either proposed, advanced, or enacted new redistricting maps. Proposed Connecticut: On Jan. 18, Nathaniel Persily, the special master who the state supreme court appointed to handle redistricting, submitted his proposed map and report for the state’s congressional districts. The state supreme court chose…