Author: Emily Aubert

  • Biden launches $280 million ad campaign in 15 battlegrounds

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    August 5, 2020: Joe Biden reserved $280 million in ads that will target Donald Trump on his response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Sixth Circuit ruled that ballot access laws in Ohio were not unconstitutionally burdensome given the coronavirus pandemic. Notable Quote of the Day “There isn’t the same degree of rancor as there was four…

  • Upcoming filing deadlines for independent presidential candidates from August 3 to August 9

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    Although there is no formal, national deadline to file to run for president of the United States, independent presidential candidates must keep a close eye on the election calendar as each state has its own filing requirements and deadline to qualify to appear on the general election ballot. These requirements may include submitting a petition with…

  • Trump pledges to sue Nevada over universal mail-in ballot law

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    August 4, 2020: Donald Trump said he would sue Nevada over plan to send mail-in ballots to all active voters. Joe Biden likely won’t name vice presidential pick until next week. Notable Quote of the Day “November is going to be like the Super Bowl of misinformation tactics. You name it, the U.S. election is going…

  • Trump resumes campaign ads in battleground states

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    August 3, 2020: Donald Trump will resume airing ads on Monday with a focus on early voting states. Portions of the Republican National Convention could be closed to the press. Before we dive into today’s news, we want to present you with an opportunity to help the Ballotpedia community this Friday, August 7 for our next Day of…

  • Ballotpedia’s Weekly Presidential News Briefing: July 25-31, 2020

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    Before we dive into today’s news, we want to present you with an opportunity to help the Ballotpedia community next Friday, August 7 for our next Day of Service! We’re getting together (virtually) to research contact information for local candidates that will be on November’s ballot. Why? Because with over 15,000 cities and towns in the United States,…

  • Trump pauses ad spending to review messaging

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    July 31, 2020: The Donald Trump campaign is pausing its ad spending to review its campaign messaging. Joe Biden is airing his first general election television ads in Ohio in a seven-figure ad buy. Notable Quote of the Day “Many people have been coming out and saying that not only do we need a win, we…

  • Trump suggests delaying presidential election

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    July 30, 2020: Donald Trump questioned if the presidential election should be delayed in a tweet on Thursday morning. Democrats released a preliminary schedule for the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday. Notable Quote of the Day “The choice Biden will make will do one of two things — push his party into the future, or provide…

  • Biden outraised Trump by $8 million, closed cash-on-hand gap in June

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    Joe Biden outraised Donald Trump by $8 million and closed the cash-on-hand gap in June, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Federal Election Commission on July 20. The Biden campaign raised $63.4 million in June, a percentage difference of 13.8% from the Trump campaign’s $55.2 million. Trump’s campaign spent $50.3 million compared to…

  • Biden unveils plan to address racial economic inequality

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    July 29, 2020: Joe Biden spoke about how to address racial economic inequality in Delaware. Donald Trump will attend two fundraisers and tour an oil rig in Texas.   Notable Quote of the Day “It’s been compared to a colonoscopy. The vetting of potential vice presidents is famously invasive, and it’s going on now. Possible running…

  • Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic will host first debate after University of Notre Dame withdraws

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    July 28, 2020: Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic will co-host the first presidential debate in September after the University of Notre Dame withdrew. More than 600 Democratic delegates have signed a pledge to vote against the party platform if it does not include a plank supporting Medicare for All. Notable Quote of the Day…