The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From February 6 through February 10, the Federal Register grew by 1,548 pages for a year-to-date…
As of February 6, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.34, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.30, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.26. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share price. The share price, which rises and falls based on market demand,…
New applications for U.S. unemployment insurance benefits fell 3,000 for the week ending January 28 to a seasonally adjusted 183,000. The previous week’s figure was unrevised at 186,000. The four-week moving average as of January 28 fell to 191,750 from an unrevised 197,500 as of the week ending January 21. The number of continuing unemployment…
Since 2000, the Republican Party’s share of seats won exceeded its national vote share in 11 of 12 U.S. House of Representatives elections. The only election where the Republican Party won fewer U.S. House districts relative to its national vote share was in 2008. During this period, the Democratic Party’s share of seats won exceeded…
The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity, accounting for both regulatory and deregulatory actions. From January 30 through February 3, the Federal Register grew by 1,836 pages for a year-to-date…
The 2024 Republican presidential primary may be about to gain its second noteworthy candidate, according to The Post and Courier. The paper reported that former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley (R) plans to announce her campaign on February 15. She’d be joining former President Donald Trump (R), who announced his campaign in…
In January 2023, the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) reviewed 39 significant regulatory actions issued by federal agencies. OIRA approved the intent of 39 rules while recommending changes to their content. OIRA reviewed 26 significant regulatory actions in January 2022, 132 significant regulatory actions in January 2021, 32 significant regulatory actions…
As of January 31, 2023, PredictIt’s 2024 presidential market shows President Joe Biden (D) leading at $0.34, followed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) at $0.30, and former President Donald Trump (R) at $0.23. No other candidate has more than a $0.10 share price. The share price, which rises and falls based on market demand,…
At least seven elected officials were suspended and/or banned from either Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube while in office from May 10, 2021, through January 31, 2023. YouTube’s indefinite suspension of former President Donald Trump (R) is the only suspension that remains in place. YouTube suspended Trump’s account following comments he made during a news conference…
At the end of January, approval polling averages showed President Joe Biden (D) at 43% approval. Fifty-two percent of voters disapproved of his performance. He held a 44% approval rating at the start of 2022. Throughout January, Biden’s approval rating has remained at either 43% or 44%. The lowest approval rating he’s received is 38%,…