Category: State

  • Oregon state representative dies

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    Rep. Mitch Greenlick (D), who represented District 33 in the Oregon House of Representatives, died of natural causes on May 15. He was first elected to the chamber in 2003 and most recently won re-election in 2018. Greenlick announced earlier this year that he would not run for re-election. Greenlick was a pharmacist and the…

  • Former Wisconsin state Senate minority leader resigns from legislature

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    Wisconsin State Senator Jennifer Shilling (D) submitted her resignation from the legislature on May 15, effective immediately. Shilling had previously announced she would not seek another term and did not file to run for re-election. Shilling said that she was resigning to explore unspecified employment opportunities. Wisconsin state law prohibits legislators and other public officials…

  • Minnesota Gov Tim Walz (D) appoints Gordon Moore to state Supreme Court

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    On May 15, 2020 Gov. Tim Walz (D) announced District Court Justice Gordon Moore as his first appointment to the Minnesota Supreme Court. Justice David Lillehaug intends to resign in July 2020, and Justice Moore will take his seat on the bench. Lillehaug has served on the Minnesota Supreme Court since 2013, and announced that…

  • Massachusetts governor to detail reopening plan

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    At a press conference scheduled for 11:00 a.m. Eastern, Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker (R) is expected to provide further information about the state’s reopening plan. The state’s stay-at-home order is set to expire today. Last Monday, Baker unveiled a four-phase plan for reopening Massachusetts. Under Phase 1 (“Start”), limited industries will be permitted to reopen,…

  • Georgia Supreme Court upholds canceled election, appointment of Blackwell’s successor

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    Georgia Supreme Court Justice Keith Blackwell’s seat was expected to be up for nonpartisan election on June 9, 2020. Blackwell announced in February that he is retiring on November 18. At that time, the state supreme court announced that Governor Brian Kemp (R) would appoint Blackwell’s replacement. The appointment was challenged in court, and the state supreme court…

  • One South Dakota Supreme Court justice faces a retention election in November

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    One South Dakota Supreme Court justice, Steven Jensen, will face a retention election on November 3, 2020. He was appointed in 2017 by Governor Dennis Daugaard (R). Currently, every justice on the court was appointed by a Republican governor. The governor appoints the five justices of the supreme court through a hybrid nominating commission where…

  • Wyoming’s statewide school closure expires today

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    Schools in Wyoming may begin reopening to in-person instruction on Monday after a statewide order expired today. The decision to reopen will be left up to local school authorities. Laramie County School District #1, the state’s largest, already announced it would continue distance learning. The school year is scheduled to end in Wyoming on May…

  • Candidate filing period for state-level races ends in Washington state

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    On May 15, the statewide filing deadline passed to run for elected office in Washington state. Candidates filed for the following state-level offices: State Executive Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Secretary of State Superintendent of Public Instruction Commissioner of Public Lands Treasurer Auditor Commissioner of Insurance State Legislative Washington State Senate (25 seats) Washington House…

  • No incumbents defeated in Nebraska’s state legislative primaries

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    On May 12, 2020, Nebraska voters cast their ballots in the state’s legislative primaries. Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral legislature, meaning it only has a state Senate. It is also the only state with a nonpartisan legislature. All candidates for a seat—Democrats, Republicans, and others—compete in a single primary. The top two…

  • Missouri legislature sends redistricting, campaign finance, and lobbying measure to voters with changes to 2018 citizen initiative

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    On Wednesday, the Missouri House approved Senate Joint Resolution 38 that would amend Article III of the Missouri Constitution to change or repeal certain provisions of Missouri Amendment 1 passed in 2018. The House approved the amendment in a vote of 98-56. The Senate approved the amendment in a vote of 22-9 on February 10.…