Category: Uncategorized

  • Federal Register weekly update: More than 300 presidential documents published so far in 2020

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    Banner with the words "The Administrative State Project"

    The Federal Register is a daily journal of federal government activity that includes presidential documents, proposed and final rules, and public notices. It is a common measure of an administration’s regulatory activity. From November 16 to November 20, the Federal Register grew by 1,696 pages for a year-to-date total of 74,594 pages. Over the same…

  • Donald Trump wins 20 states with trifectas, Joe Biden wins 18

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    After the 2020 elections, Republicans had 23 trifectas, Democrats had 15 trifectas, and 11 states had divided governments. Trifecta status in Alaska is pending. A trifecta occurs when one political party holds the governorship and majorities in both chambers of the state legislature. Two divided government states gained Republican trifecta status following the 2020 elections.…

  • Biden announces senior White House staff

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    Welcome to Ballotpedia’s Transition Tracker November 18, 2020 Former Vice President Joe Biden (D) is the projected winner of the 2020 presidential election. The Electoral College will meet on December 14, 2020, to vote for the next president of the United States. In 2016, there were 1,714 government positions subject to presidential appointment: 1,242 positions…

  • Franklin Babauta appointed to Northern Mariana Islands House of Representatives

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    On Nov. 11, Northern Mariana Islands Governor Ralph Torres appointed Franklin Babauta to the District 1 seat in the NMI House of Representatives. The seat had been vacant since October when former NMI House Minority Leader Edwin Propst resigned due to sexual misconduct allegations.  The Northern Mariana Islands constitution requires that legislative vacancies that occur…

  • Alonso Vega resigns from Puerto Rico House of Representatives 

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    Rep. Néstor Alonso Vega (New Progressive Party) resigned from his seat in the Puerto Rico House of Representatives on Nov. 10. Alonso Vega, who held an at-large seat in the chamber, had been arrested and indicted for allegedly increasing an employee’s salary in order to receive half of the increase in return.  Alonso Vega had…

  • Veterans in the 116th Congress

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    Ninety-six veterans served as members of the 116th Congress (2019-2020). Seventy-three served in active duty with one of the four main military branches: 15 in the Air Force, 36 in the Army, 15 in the Marine Corps, and eight in the Navy (Steven Palazzo served in both the Army and Marine Corps). The remaining veterans…

  • Election deadlines for the week beginning Nov. 9

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    In the week beginning Nov. 9, 11 states and the District of Columbia have absentee/mail-in ballot receipt deadlines: Nov. 9: Iowa and West Virginia Nov. 10: Minnesota, Mississippi, Nevada, New Jersey, and New York Nov. 12: North Carolina Nov. 13: Alaska, D.C. Maryland, and Ohio Also next week, eight states will observe election certification and/or…

  • Incumbent Sen. Tina Smith wins re-election in Minnesota

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    Incumbent Tina Smith (D) defeated Jason Lewis (R), Oliver Steinberg (Grassroots-Legalize Cannabis Party of Minnesota), and Kevin O’Connor (Legal Marijuana Now Party) in the U.S. Senate election in Minnesota.  Smith was appointed to the seat in 2018 following Al Franken’s (D) resignation. Smith won a special election to complete Franken’s term in 2018, winning 53%…

  • Documenting America’s Path to Recovery: November 3, 2020

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    Welcome to Documenting America’s Path to Recovery, where we track the status of reopening in all 50 states. Today we look at new coronavirus restrictions in Connecticut and Massachusetts, guidance for schools in Oregon, school reopenings, and more. Want to know what happened Friday? Click here. The next 72 hours What is changing in the…

  • What are Pivot Counties?

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    Image of donkey and elephant to symbolize the Democratic and Republican parties.

    Two hundred and six counties nationwide voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012 before voting for Donald Trump (R) in 2016. Voters in these Pivot Counties cast 7.5 million votes in 2016—5.5% of all votes cast that year. The 206 Pivot Counties are located in 34 states. Iowa’s 31 Pivot Counties—out of 99…