One hundred twenty people declared candidacies for federal or statewide offices in the past week. All of these candidates declared before their state’s official filing deadline. Fifty-three of those candidates were Democratic, while 63 were Republican. Four are minor-party candidates. Ninety-eight candidates are running for Congress and 22 for state legislatures. Since the beginning of…
On July 20, the Elias Law Group sued the Wisconsin Elections Commission alleging that a 2022 Wisconsin Supreme Court decision prohibiting the use of drop boxes in the state violates voters’ rights. The Elias Law Group describes itself as a “mission-driven firm committed to helping Democrats win, citizens vote, and progressives make change.” In the…
Campaigns supporting or opposing Ohio Issue 1 have raised a combined $32.25 million. More than 80% of contributions for and against Issue 1 came from out-of-state donors. Issue 1, which is on a special election ballot for Aug. 8, 2023, would make three changes to the ballot measure process in Ohio, including increasing the voter…
Indiana is holding elections, including for municipal and state offices, on Nov. 7, 2023, and Nov. 5, 2024, respectively. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a selection of…
An initiated state statute to prohibit election spending by foreign governments, including entities with partial government ownership or control, will appear on the Maine ballot on Nov. 7, 2023. In Nov. 2022, Protect Maine Elections, which is the campaign behind the initiative, submitted 67,550 valid signatures, meeting the signature requirement of 63,067 signatures, and was…
On July 26, the California secretary of state announced the third rent control initiative sponsored by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation in four election cycles had qualified for the Nov. 2024 ballot. Californians defeated the two other initiatives in 2018 and 2020. The 2024 initiative would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, which prohibits rent control…
State supreme courts issued 192 opinions in the two week period from July 10 to July 23. The Delaware Supreme Court issued 26 opinions more than any other state, followed by Pennsylvania with 17 and Vermont with 13. The last two weeks’ 192 opinions account for 5% of the year-to-date total of 3,842. West Virginia…
Ohio voters will decide on a citizen-initiated constitutional amendment related to reproductive decisions, including abortion, in Nov. 2023. This is the first and only statewide abortion measure certified for the ballot in 2023. Two more are currently set for 2024. On July 25, 2023, Secretary of State Frank LaRose (R) announced that of the 710,131…
As of July 25, 14 ballot measures have been certified for Texas’ statewide ballot in 2023, including one new certification from July 18. All 14 measures are legislatively referred constitutional amendments on the ballot on Nov. 7, 2023. The one new ballot measure is: Texas Property Tax Changes and State Education Funding Amendment (2023): A…
Governor Roy Cooper (D) vetoed one bill from July 17-23. He vetoed H219, which would have made “various changes to the laws affecting charter schools,” including easing enrollment restrictions and allowing charter schools to utilize property tax to fund capital needs. In his veto message, Cooper said, “This bill allowing more students to attend failing…