Tag: texas

  • Five seats up for election in Arlington, Texas

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    The general election for Arlington, Texas, is on May 6, 2023. The filing deadline to run passed on Feb. 17.  Candidates are competing for Arlington City Council Districts 3, 4, 5, and 8, as well as for mayor of Arlington. Incumbents Nikkie Hunter, Andrew Piel, Rebecca Boxall, Barbara Odom-Wesley, and Jim Ross are running for…

  • Three school board seats up for election in Pflugerville Independent School District

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    The nonpartisan general election for Pflugerville Independent School District school board in Texas is on May 6, 2023. The filing deadline to run passed on Feb. 17.  Three of seven school board seats are up for election. Candidates filed for Place 5, Place 6, and Place 7. Place 5 is a special election, while Places…

  • Texas Court of Criminal Appeals and Texas Supreme Court issue 14 opinions from April 10-16

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    The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued nine opinions from April 10-16. The Texas Supreme Court issued five opinions from April 10-16. Both courts are the state’s courts of last resort. As of April 16, the court of criminal appeals issued 101 opinions in 2023 — 18 more than this point a year ago. The…

  • Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey: Texas roundup

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    Texas is holding elections, including for school boards and city council, on May 6, 2023. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a selection of responses from the candidates…

  • Texas State Legislature proposed 295 constitutional amendments in 2023

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    The Texas State Legislature proposed 295 constitutional amendments during the 2023 legislative session, an increase over previous odd-year regular sessions where legislators proposed 218 amendments in 2021 and 216 amendments in 2019. Texas is one of a handful of states that frequently vote on constitutional amendments in odd-numbered years. Fourteen of the 295 proposed amendments…

  • Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issues three opinions from April 3-9

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    The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals issued three opinions from April 3-9, while the Texas Supreme Court issued none. Both courts are the state’s courts of last resort. As of April 9, the court of criminal appeals issued 92 opinions in 2023 — 11 more than this point a year ago. The supreme court issued…

  • Election legislation roundup: Texas House of Representatives

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    As of April 9, Ballotpedia has tracked 185 election-related bills in the Texas House of Representatives since the beginning of the year. Of the 185, Ballotpedia tracked eight from April 3-9. Republicans sponsored five, while Democrats sponsored three. Five of eight bills are below:    TX HB3732: Relating to requiring voting systems to produce a paper…

  • Election legislation roundup: Texas State Senate

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    As of April 9, Ballotpedia has tracked 113 election-related bills in the Texas State Senate since the beginning of the year. Of the 113, Ballotpedia tracked seven from April 3-9. Republicans sponsored six, while Democrats sponsored one. Five of seven bills are below:    TX SB359: Relating to the use of preferential voting in certain elections,…

  • Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey: Texas roundup

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    Texas is holding elections, including for municipal offices, on May 6, 2023. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a selection of responses from the candidates who filled out…

  • Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey: Texas school board roundup

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    Texas is holding elections, including for school boards, on May 6, 2023. A number of candidates running in these elections completed Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection survey. These survey responses allow voters to hear directly from candidates about what motivates them to run for office. Below is a selection of responses from the candidates who filled out…