Search results for: “texas”

  • Heart of the Primaries 2020, Republicans-Issue 2 (January 22, 2020)

    Heart of the Primaries 2020, Republicans-Issue 2 (January 22, 2020)

    On the news Republican: Where do Republican and conservative pundits and commentators disagree? Each week, we bring you excerpts that highlight differing views. “Pro-Trump Republican senators contend their home-state constituents oppose impeachment — not just loyal Republicans, but CNN-watching independents as well. They describe constituents back home who see impeachment as a waste of time…

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  • House delivers articles of impeachment to Senate

    January 16, 2020: The U.S. House delivered two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump to the U.S. Senate on Wednesday. The Iowa Democratic Party will release three sets of election results following the Feb. 3 caucuses.         Notable Quote of the Day “To better understand which candidates did well or poorly Tuesday night, we plotted…

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  • NYT endorses Klobuchar and Warren

    January 21, 2020: The New York Times issued a dual endorsement of Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren. The Democratic National Committee announced a new delegate threshold for the Feb. 7 debate.         Notable Quote of the Day “On average in markets around the country, prices for political TV ads have risen by 20 percent since Bloomberg…

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  • Bold Justice: Trump’s 3-year anniversary

      Welcome to the January 20 edition of Bold Justice, Ballotpedia’s newsletter about the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and other judicial happenings around the U.S. Today marks the three-year anniversary of President Trump’s inauguration. Keep up with his federal judicial nominations, confirmations, and more in each edition of this newsletter. Today starts…

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  • House delivers articles of impeachment to Senate

    January 16, 2020: The U.S. House delivered two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump to the U.S. Senate on Wednesday. The Iowa Democratic Party will release three sets of election results following the Feb. 3 caucuses.         Notable Quote of the Day “To better understand which candidates did well or poorly Tuesday night, we plotted…

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  • Dems debate healthcare, electability in Iowa

    January 15, 2020: Six Democratic presidential candidates debated Tuesday night in Iowa. Rep. Max Rose endorsed Michael Bloomberg.         Notable Quotes of the Day “ To me — and definitely according to the FiveThirtyEight primary forecast and recent Iowa polls — Iowa is very much up for grabs, and I don’t think that tonight was…

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  • Four states with federal candidate filing deadlines in Jan. 2020

    Seven statewide filing deadlines for the 2020 federal elections passed before the new year. January will see an additional four statewide ballot access deadlines for the November elections. The following states have their filing deadlines this month: • Mississippi: January 10 • Kentucky: January 10 • Maryland: January 24 • West Virginia: January 25 Alabama,…

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  • Williamson ends presidential campaign

    January 13, 2020: Marianne Williamson ended her presidential campaign on Friday. Tom Steyer has the largest staff in South Carolina.   What is the latest month in which a major party held a presidential nominating convention? a. July→ b. August→ c. September→ d. October→ Notable Quotes of the Day “It would surprise me if an underdog won. At this point,…

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  • Ballotpedia’s Weekly Presidential News Briefing: January 4-10, 2020

    Every weekday, Ballotpedia tracks the events that matter in the 2020 presidential election. Now, we’re bringing you the highlights from our daily briefings in a weekly format so you can stay up-to-date on the 2020 election with one weekly email.         Here’s the latest from the campaign trail. State Spotlight Notable Quotes of the…

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  • Steyer qualifies for January debate with double-digit showing in S.C. and Nevada

    January 10, 2020: Six candidates have qualified for Tuesday’s Democratic presidential primary debate. Donald Trump focused on the economy, the killing of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and Democratic primary candidates at his rally in Ohio.         Each Friday, we highlight a presidential candidate’s key campaign staffer. Gabrielle Farrell is a Democratic staffer with experience in political communication.…

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